Explore our Career Coaching packages below or contact us to help create a customized package to suit your needs.
Working regularly with a Career Coach helps you set tangible career goals, gain insights and traction on your career path that result in long term career fulfillment and confidence in career choices.
You could schedule career coaching sessions for specific topics (see sample list below) or just schedule twice a year check-up to assess overall career health:
Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in current role/organization
Work-Life Balance
Make more money
Get more interviews
Career Change
Dealing with layoff
Negotiating job offers
Personal Branding
Breaking the glass ceiling
Practice, practice, practice - that is the name of the game!
But are you gaining specific insights from your practice or are you blind to your blind spots making the same mistakes at one interview after another and not knowing what's going wrong?
People who get the job are not necessarily the best for the job but those who know how to interview well and weed out competition.
So stop the guessing game and sign up for our interviewing package which takes the guesswork out of the process and puts you in charge of driving the interview outcome.
Focused completely on personal branding and the most effective job search strategies, this is ideal for someone looking for a new job (within or outside the current organization, if employed), or considering post retirement options.
For a really successful job search, you need to put in 35 hours a week (if unemployed) and 15 hours a week (if employed). And this is not as simple as going online and applying to jobs posted!
Our job search program is rigorous with tangible goals measured on a weekly basis to assess progress. We arm you with all the tools and resources so there is no "guesswork" involved at any step of the way.
Gone are the days when people retired at the same Company they did their internship at!
Today, an average career spans about 4-5 different roles and occupations. We change countries, cities, industries, departments or move to an entirely new field.
Career Transition is the most difficult path to navigate during an adult working life, simply because there are so many myths that have become truths. Changing tracks is difficult but with a systematic methodology and process, it is not impossible.
Thinking like a consultant and interviewing like an insider make career shift easier than it looks from the outside.
Schedule a consultation with us to know if this is the package for you.
Every Career Development theory, advocates starting out with career assessments to make sure your career goals are tied with your values, interests and motivated skills.These insights go a long way in building career fulfillment.
Our approach to a Resume is to brand it as a forward looking marketing document that highlights your key achievements rather than a historical account of several job descriptions that generates no response.
Our format and approach to crafting a Cover Letter is vetted by over 25 years of research by the experts and helps to position you as a strong candidate for any given position.
LinkedIn is the fastest growing professional networking platform and a preferred resource to source premium candidates.
We enhance your LinkedIn presence and help you make the most of this tool for your networking and career development needs.
Combine the best of everything into this smart and cost effective bundle to put you on a fast track in your job applications, professional networking and informational interviewing.