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Write to us here if your question is not answered below and we will get back you within 48 business hours.


What is Coaching?


The International Coach Federation defines Coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential. You can expect the Coach to don the hat of a consultant or a mentor from time to time as well.


For a deeper understanding, feel free to read some articles below:


HBR Special Report on Coaching

Benefits of Coaching

Who needs an Executive Coach?

Effectiveness of Executive Coaching in India

"Everyone needs a Coach" - Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt

Coaching for the 21st Century

Why you need a Professional Coach - ICF


How is Coaching different from Therapy?


See above to know more about Coaching.


Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on resolving difficulties arising from the past that hamper an individual's emotional functioning in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways. Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes. These outcomes are linked to personal or professional success. Coaching is future focused. While positive feelings/emotions may be a natural outcome of coaching, the primary focus is on creating actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in one's work or personal life. The emphases in a coaching relationship are on action, accountability, and follow through.


What are the services that you offer?


Career Coaching and Executive/Life Coaching are our flagship services. Since the field is new and evolving there is either incomplete or misconstrued information about how these services could benefit you. We suggest you review our Services page for an overview of our service offerings and Contact us for specific questions regarding your unique requirements. We encourage prospective clients to take advantage of the first complimentary consultation in which we educate you about how the process works and what outcomes you can expect.


You mention that the first consultation is free. What happens during the first consultation?


During the first consultation we work with you to understand your needs and assess a mutual fit. We hear about your goals and challenges and educate you about our methods; what our model is, how it works and what you can expect. We then work to formulate concrete goals with timelines for your individual case and develop a plan to work together.


For Career Coaching, do you offer expertise in specific industries or certain job families?


For Career Coaching, we take a holistic approach to career planning, career management and career progression that all align with your life goals and our tools work for every industry and every vocation; be it lawyers, medical professionals, accountants, young graduates, even actors and musicians! They are also applicable across the public, private and the not-for-profit sectors. There are tons of websites and organizations out there that provide a lot of information on industries and specializations; our focus is to help you look inwards first to identify your motivated skills and interests that will enable you to target specific careers. And nevertheless, we will definitely help you with industry research, which is a key step in targeting fulfilling careers.

In case of Executive/Entrepreneur Coaching, the focus is on developing self-awareness, emotional intelligence and leadership skills. Entrepreneurs and Executives across various industries face similar challenges in terms of leading teams, exceeding performance targets, fostering innovation and achieving their goals and our methodology works across industries. 

Do you provide recruitment services?
We get asked this question a lot! 
For individual clients - our focus is to provide you with tools so you can champion your own career in the most effective manner; and wherever possible, we are more than happy to connect you with people in our wide and diverse network that can benefit from your talents, interests and skills.
For organizations (including start-ups) - while we do not run a recruitment or a staffing agency, please feel free to write to us with your requirements and we would be happy to connect you with the right candidates from our client pool based on availability.
What is the length of a typical Executive/Entrepreneur coaching engagement at Choosing Choices?


We use methodology and tools that are drawn up to make significant progress towards 1-3 goals in as little as 12 sessions (3 months) which is what we strongly recommend. The tools you get along the way are yours for life! However, every client is unique with a unique set of goals, priorities, responsibilities and challenges. Some are self-starters and prefer only one or two sessions while others would prefer a longer-term Coaching partnership meeting more frequently. 

While we do have a model, we believe it is best to customize it to every client for maximum results. We shall finalize this during the first consultation session based on your preference.


Do you guarantee results?


A philosopher once said: “Life does not come with guarantees. If you need a guarantee, you should get Insurance.” J

Coaching is the single most important tool to make rapid strides towards your goals. With an experienced Coach by your side, you will definitely be far ahead in the game as compared to where you would be if you were on your own. Decisions are made with clarity, actions are taken faster and you are more confident in your choices.

Also refer to our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer here.


Do you work with individuals or organizations?


Both. Check our Services page for details on our service offerings and write to us here with your requirements.


Fo Coaching, do you work in-person or phone? What is the format?


We use the phone and videoconferencing tools such as Skype, FaceTime, Google Chat and some others for maximum time and location flexibilities for our clients. However, we will work the modalities out with individual clients based on your preferences and unique working style. 

How do you help with Career Change?

Managing effective change is a combination of being self-aware and working with the right strategy & tools. While many of you have heard the term ‘SWOT’ – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; or can at least explain it, few of us (including highly accomplished executives at Fortune 500 companies) really know about our own SWOTs. And even after we know them, we have no clue what to do with that information! Our qualifications, research based tools and solutions provide you with robust assessment results that, when tied to your targets, put you on the right track. Our model takes the guesswork out of the career development process so you are in complete control of your direction and momentum. 

Do you provide Life Coaching services?
Yes, we do. Please contact us for your specific requirements. 
Are there any principles that govern a Coach-Client agreement?

Yes. We are committed to abide by the ethics and principles laid down by The International Coach Federation (ICF), to maintain the integrity of the profession and to ensure highest level of client service. 


ICF’s Code of Ethics:

As a Certified Career Development Facilitator with the National Career Development Association, USA, I also follow the code of ethics laid down by NCDA, a copy of which you will find below:
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