5 Simple Tricks to Improve Productivity
We are living in an information age, being constantly bogged down by multiple demands on our time and energy. And getting though our day has become a chore rather than something to looking forward to.
So how do we make time for all the things necessary to us at the same time increase our productivity and energy levels?
While a single post is no answer to all of life’s problems, I think some of the things mentioned here might get you to think and perhaps help put you on that path sooner rather than later!
Eat. Yes, you read that right! Eating in balance and feeding your body with simple nutritious food can actually up your energy levels. A tired body or an overfed body is grappling with regaining its balance and saps you of energy.
Plan & Prioritize. Indra Nooyi, the CEO of Pepsi Global said, “You cannot have it all!” Perhaps that’s true. But a good way of having all that you want is to plan ahead. Planning ahead can take off a lot of stress of dealing with last minute deadlines and missing out on opportunities. And you must prioritize. Ask yourself, what is truly important and deserves your time now.
Delegate. Decision-making is an energy draining resource. Barack Obama does not select what clothes he would wear every morning because he would like to preserve his decision-making reserves for more important events later in the day! While this is not a worthwhile excuse to go out and hire a stylist, we can definitely start to think about things that we can safely delegate and make room for other things that are more important for us.
Learning Journal. You must have heard multiple times how great it is to write a journal. But what do you write in that journal? Definitely not about your thoughts and feelings, that is not going to get you anywhere. Feelings and emotions can change by the minute and tell you nothing. Maintain a learning journal and write what you learnt from your day, from certain people, events and incidents in your life. Write down your decision-making processes. You will do well going back to the journal and being better at inculcating your learning into your daily life. Besides the act of writing (than reflecting in your head) leads to more concrete outcomes.
Reflect. Chasing deadlines and beating competition can be daunting and it necessary to take time out periodically to reflect on your goals. Life is meaningful when all that we doing in a day is purposeful and is leading to something that we value. Some of us already know these goals at the back of our mind, but putting pen to paper and checking back once in a while helps revisit those goals and is well worth your time.